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Arlington Voter Guide

“Alexa, ask arlington voter guide for a list of poll stations.” Arlington Voter Guide is free Alexa skill that responds with the voter poll stations in Arlington County, Virginia. The County has a transient population, with up to 15% moving in and out every year. Additionally, the county adjusts poll station locations for each annual election. With both a voice and visual interface, Alexa also responds with a visualization when a voter asks for a poll station address. For example, with an Amazon Echo Show, a voter see a street map labelled with the street address. At the time of release, the Alexa SDK for Node JS did not support visual interfaces, requiring a do-it-yourself approach. The skill resulted in recognition for creating an Alexa skill with both a user interface and a voice interface.
Node JS JavaScript Alexa Skills Kit Alexa SDK For Node JS Serverless Framework AWS Lambda AWS CodeStar Google Maps Alexa

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